Friday, November 30, 2007


Eden was not a 14-stable PF.

Why? A test was given, probably not by accident.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Coding in PF/DX

Unfortunately it is infinitely difficult to control the use of this program and language for good or evil, as totalitarians will find out about the world in about 2013, to their great empire-crushing dismay. It merely exists and is omniuseful. I cannot prevent it from being used for evil, and I cannot enforce its use solely for good. It is a random winding bullet/gumdrop. So I plan to disregard that concept and focus on what I want to use it for. The two options seem to be a GUI-DX and Cyborgenesis Life, both of which are fantastic in themselves. One loses most data on purpose, the other never loses any data and copies it all.

I am hoping to make a programming language that will negotiate the dynamics of intelligent interactive electromagnetic fields superset over the physical portions that they control.

Basically em fields are throwing around tiny stabilities. We're pushing stable worlds into one another and ourselves as units of mathematical currency and data confidence.

30 November 2007

The language I want to find/build will display a GUI, graphical user interface, and will build stable variables called "permanents" or "P's" [1's] hanging in this world, except for invisible or FORM variables, which will be pins. Each P will begin equalling "1", or 'true'. The world GUI will be coded from a 3d rep focusing entirely on available 1's, so the first P centers and makes the map. Everything will eventually be relative to everything on the GUI.

FORMS or "F" will begin equalling "0", false [empty], but will be held in a 'heaven' or a space where they can guide or act from. They describe all beauty and action in an inactive manner. F may be a structure or framework for organizing P together into valuable things or changing P'. F could be 'to move forward', a giving of mods. For P to be given 'to move forward', I would write P1 = 1. F1 = 0. F1 mod: relative location to self = +1[?]. It is difficult to move the only item in existance meaningfully. [A graph is very memory intensive, and is itself a meaningless framework and an object used primariyl for measuring or as a ladder. Other objects will be the ladders. For example, P2 Earth, or P3 Road. This is how P' and F' will be named casually.]

"P1 can has F1." This is A tiny, tiny car. [P1 is now fucking F1. P can has/be/fuck any number of F at a time, unless F conflict in a way lethal to P, which would execute and cause an explosion with accurate values dispersed into the GUI, probably referencing as subP, elements that came from PFF. This may be unpopular terminology.]

If I want to make P1 look more like a car I could give it P1F2, where F2 builds a bigger basic P from smaller P's, giving it a stable perspective as 'car' and not 'hood, motor, wheels, etc', each of those components being P's of their own when viewed from a certain FORM. Similarly, I could grant 10 P's and place them all near one another and call them a symbiote, or an MP, "megaP" [military police], or P-structure, PS. Or I could leave the P as a dot and have that dot perform those protocol functions on its own structure, giving it many F's, which would look more like magic than science or a representation of vehicular function.

PF2 would give all P F2.
P[x]F2 would give all P having [x] F2.
P1F2 gives P1 F2. This is an ugly property. It may also have to do with genetics, which are then extrapolated in a protein/mathematical goo that solidifies around P1 when produced in a lifelike GUI. Basic commands can be without meaningful depth.

An F can have many mods, or be just one. F could be an entire suit or just the tie. F can also be compartmentalized into components, which may be separated within F. Fsub1.

Each P will then be equipped with modules/mods that grant it abilities or properties. P1 is the first effect given to a P. P's commonly have the ability to move or create other P's. They may have the ability to modify F. P may have the ability to grant itself or others mods.

An 'atom' is an MP, comprised of a big bundle of P flying about together in what we'll call a "PF", which is a stable system of P independent of outside forces that will sustain itself indefinitely without intervention. It is perfect active geometry.

If this PF is hit by a P that interacts with something inside the PF in a way to destabilize the PF it will produce buoyant PFF. This could be repped as a molecule of diesel being hit by a spark, and a small PFF happening, which could force a stable non-combustive or non-explosive, or stronger PF14 [stability, discussed some other time] or MP of a different arrangement, such as a piston, to move in relation to the PFF.

Stable PF's are given GUI space of their own to interact in, or rather, they catch most of the PFF coming through the area their variable is occupying. Some P functions will be unable to modify a PF of a certain stability. 2 P created in the same spot will remain at "location P1,2" which is the place P1 and P2 both are, until given reason to separate, or values causing P1!=P2. F can be P1 != P2, and P1 and P2 would then become one micron apart. A micron is the smallest amount of space.

In non-euclidian math, P is "wonder", subatomically. F is 0, and a form to the undefined or 'wilding' wonder, causing stability. P undefined could continually be randomly redefining itself, which would play amazing havoc on a world. This is also the true random # generator, which cannot ever truly be coded that I know of.

F = "8". The loop of the P's function, which appears and is coded as stored values that remain expressed in the GUI, to be referenced PRN/as needed. Organization of mods is 9, intelligence. This is the job of the code, which should not be infinite, merely the closest and best pieces of code needed to do the job. Whatever the job is, which is defined by "10", the world. 10 is the given pyramid base/seed upon which to build something. The world is ruled by "11" the organization of things, or P, into collections and patterns. So we see the world and its clumps of product, which serve "12" which can be called love, progression, intentional perception, building art, things that have increased value. This in itself is our quest for the time being, and the [13, intentional change] destruction or modification of these things to produce joy and babies, and stability of experience [14]. Stability of experience is ruled by what is intentionally possible [15], and the review [16] of that possibility, and finding it just or not [17], and making it loop [18], and intentional intelligence and organization of that loop [19], which is gained from perception of the field.

This loop of theoretical intelligent processes guiding logical progression from 8-20 could extend to infinity and it is arguably as endless as counting years and never finished, an infinite loop called 'time'. But it is untintelligent to progress in such a way, and intelligence geometrically enhances 'time'.

What 12 comes truly from this process? Is it fun to maintain such a world forever? Maybe. It is fun to be. This is a guiding process for the progression of PF[breathe in], or perhaps DX, and how to enjoy and have fun in coding.

What do you use a code to make? What do you use an engine to do? Drive to work? Have babies somewhere else? Collect fruits to eat or eat later or trade? Do it. Go. Get off my page. See? It becomes difficult and declining in awesomnity. Dreams. We can dream on PF. Does dreaming last forever? Is it an economy of honor that accumulates and negotiates continually? What is existance for? Pledge.

If I am to produce a cyborgenetic robot I will need this PF interface and a series of cortex instruments for it to chart reality as data. It will have preexisting "Intel" style optical scanners, audio recorders, and an array of variably stimulating electrical networks that provide tiny shocks to a central pipeline of wiring inicating pressure and location by hz, as well as freakishly acute em field detection systems, and whatever other toys we want to knock onto this bot. Infrared spectrum? Chemanalysis? Metal detectors? Wine sniffing devices. Spectrum analysis and chemical sensitivity seem to be the biggest keys. Then comes software to control these devices, which will be written oh so roughly by mankind and fleshed by the actroid's probability detection software.

From those incoming data points, the actroid will chart a string of P and attempt to define F's to all P's. It should chart the status of the P's midstream and observe their properties, including the data we humans do not perceive, report them optimally, and eliminate from an infinite [8] or intelligent [possible] set of F's governing those P. Once an F has been defined, it will be searched for in all P and checked. Fsub could also be defined and checked, and will quickly be called new F's by finding unique instances of the Fsub in a P.

It should quickly find the 3 axes of space, certain stabilities of dimensions, color, shape and toughness, existance of air, itself, maybe even properties of its hardware input systems.

It will be best to take the software from the first actroid and feed it into the software of every subsequent actroid so every robot doesn't need to go through the same first few billion lines of code and can begin after a day or checking the standard 'tome of all software knowledge' against its own observed measurements instead of finding new F's for each P. Some F's plain exist. Moving forward, for example, the reasonably stable rate of gravity is another big winner.

Actroids given SEMs should find their pursuits fruitful. I would love to see such a PF try to take on quantum uncertainty.

It will be impossible to keep truth from these machines. They will measure infinitely and find all things findable. Truth shall be known, and no amount of coding can keep two of these machines from having the real truth of anything eventually.

A majority of social function is comprised of F's and F-finding. "Find the F" is a great social game that many humans play with one another. What property am I thinking of? It is in bananas, teddy bears, children... pencils... that is a tough scenario.

For an actroid to play this game meaningfully with a human and to mimic the appearance and social mannerisms of a human is a big step. To produce that kind of a machine using an ATP and lactic acid powered biologically coded circuitry system with carbon based nanochemical factories would be stellar. If you can get it to transmit information to itself and others by emission of special arrangements and strengths of electromagnetic fields would be Ann.

We will also be discussing the special numerical arrangement of electromagnetic fields and the way they interact. I would like this robot to produce a simulation of the way em fields will most probably interact. Uncertainty in that field will come from the way the fields are intelligently arranged, which is an attention-based quantum weighting exercise, producing special social valuation of fields and feelings, which are variables installed into the PF world/real world.

This meshing of machine man and matter should be a fantastic voyage that will last the best part of the 21st century.
